Saturday, July 25, 2009


Yikes this post is out of cronological order. How disorganized. Yesterday, I met Mariana at the subway station closest to her house, ñuble. We took the metro into Santiago Centro and walked allllllll over downtown and west of downtown. It was a beautiful day. I ate my first completo/italiano, I think there's a difference between the two but I can't remember what it is. Anyway, they're typical college student food around here, like the Chilean version of ramen noodles. An italiano is a hotdog in a bun with tomatoes, avocado spread, and mayoooooo. Even though I don't like hotdogs, this was yummy because the hotdog-to-everything else ratio was pretty low. Here I am eating it . It was no easy task.

We walked through some of the older neighborhoods. They had much narrower streets and obviously older architecture (see left). After we walked for about two hours, we stopped for a big bowl of ice cream. Then Mariana showed me around Bellavista a little bit, which is one of the favorite neighborhoods for going out at night to bars and restaurants, etc. It is really close to Plaza Italia, which aparently is where everyone gathers after an election or an important soccer victory.

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