Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekend Activites, or LAST DAYS OF SUMMER VACATION!!

I played tennis again on Saturday morning. One of the guys is out with a hernia (which was discovered after he got hit by a car on his bike and went in to have X-rays - yikes) so Dan from Madison came to fill in. Dan gets along with everybody as far as I have seen, so we had a lovely time. We split sets, me playing with brother-in-law Pablo and Dan playing with other Pablo. What my Pablo was really excited about though (more than winning, which he also really likes) is that BEATLES GUITAR HERO/ROCKBAND COMES OUT ON SEPTEMBER 9THHH!! I said I can get down with that way more than I can get down with Metallica. The Beatles are Magda's favorite band too so now they might have to fight over who gets to play more. OH WAIT NO Pablo is getting a new guitar. In all the weeks I've known him, I've never seen him more excited about anything than the new guitar hero guitar. It's awesome.

I came home from tennis to The Onion newspaper, mailed to me by Jenni Nordin, my ever-so-thoughtful Madison roommate. My roommates in Madison think I'm a big dork when I sit at the kitchen counter and laugh outloud reading it every Wednesday, so naturally I picked out a café from my Lonely Planet book in the Bellas Artes (Fine Arts) neighborhood and went and sat in the sunshine to read (and laugh out loud at) The Onion. I also got a fresh raspberry juice. Hard to believe, I know, but the seeds were even in there. Yummmm-y!

I didn't feel like bumming around two nights in a row so I called Lucy and asked if she wanted to go see Public Enemies (Johnny Depp as John Dillinger... yes please!). She totally did so we totally went, and also got dinner beforehand. We ate at this pizzeria not far from her house called Voraz. It serves thin crust pizza with all kinds of yummy toppings. We got one with mozerella, pepperoni, sausage, onions, tomatoes, and green olives; and one with mozerella, asparagus, artichoke, honey mustard, and probably a couple of other things that I can't remember. AND some cerveza artesanal, which they continue to serve to me like it's no big deal. Such a grownup. Everything was soooo delicious. The movie was great too. (Alice, Channing Tatum has a cameo in it... we'll discuss later.)

Today was marvelous. Lucy and I met at Cerro San Cristobal at ten for (free) yoga in the sun. I took a micro (bus) and and the metro part of the way there and ran the rest. I can't stress enough how great yoga was. Afterwards, we walked the rest of the way up and sat in the sun, drank some mote con huesillos, and people-watched. The city looked a little more smoggy today than last time.

Theennn came home, took a nap in Lily's reading chair, which I discovered reclines, and then read in Lily's reading chair. I found I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou on the bookshelf in my room. I'm enjoying it so far. I wonder if I'll have time to read it once SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I better start putting my outfit together NOW.

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