Thursday, August 13, 2009

Miércoles Po and I love school

Miércoles Po. First, let me explain why the name is funny. So I mentioned once that instead of saying "pues," which in English roughly translates to "well..." or "actually...", Chileans just say "po". And they say it all the time. As much as a valley girl says "like". "Miércoles" is "Wednesday". So naturally, the weekly Wednesday international-student party is called "Miércoles Po". Last night was my first one and it was so much fun! Every week it is at a different club or bar. I went with about half of the kids from our WI program and about 5 others. It's just one big fat dance party! Good thing I don't start class until 11:30 on Thursdays because Chileans like to party alllllll night long. I met a surfer named Francisco ("That's fun to say! Francisco... Francisco...") who was nice and a good dancer but when he offered to drive me home (a little drunk) I said adios amigo.

I LOVE SCHOOL. But seriously I love it. My schedule is as follows (try not to get too jealous):

Monday: NO CLASS.
Tuesday: 11:30-12:50 Fútbol; 1:30-2:50 Prosa de Borges; 3-4:20 Geografía de Chile
Wednesday: 12:50-2:50 Español para Extranjeros (only with WI students)
Thursday: (same as tues.)
Friday: 1:30-2:50 Fútbol

Uhh... it's the best thing I've ever seen. Plus Jorge Luis Borges is SUCH a cool writer (if you haven't read any of him, I hiiiighhhhhly recommend it - all of his pieces are very short and so far very very very cool) and that professor is SO entertaining. Soccer class, I don't even know where to begin. I can't believe I'm getting a college credit for that. Furthermore, I never start before 11:30 so I can go out and get super drunk every night! (Just kidding ;D)

Other notable goings-on:
1. Magdita made me one of my mom's recipes on Tuesday night to celebrate my month-versary (CAN'T believe I've been here for a month already, where is the time going???) It was super yummy. She was so cute, she insisted that everything be the same.
2. Lucy is coming over to make cookies tonight (Nestle Tollhouse recipe) but I haven't been able to find chocolate chips anywhere so they might have to be M&M... inferior but I'll live.
3. I could see the Andes clearer than ever today. Mountains are gorgeous.

Lovin' it.

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