Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I don't know if I have mentioned that there is another girl living in the apartment with Lily and me... but if I haven't, I am deeply deeply sorry. Her name is Magda (or Magdita, as I like to think of her since my host-sister's name is also Magda) and she is lovely. And I am NOT writing this post just because she found my blog today and says I haven't mentioned her yet. ;)

She is the daughter of one of Lily's good friends from high school, but her parents currently live in Costa Rica so she came to live with Lily while she goes to university. She goes to the same one as me and has been very helpful answering all of my little questions about how to get books, etc.

Neither of us like to be alone much, so we usually sit in either her room or mine and whether we're talking to each other or not, at least we have company. Last night it was chilly in the house so we put the heater on in her room and laid on her bed until I got tired and went to sleep. She likes to cook so when she cooks for me, I do the dishes. She's a great sister. I will never leave her out of an entry EVER AGAIN.

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