Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crazy Coincidence

I forgot to mention something pretty unbelievable that happened while we were rock climbing yesterday. There was another group climbing at the same spot we were at and we started talking to them after a while. There were four college-age students and they all spoke enough English so that we could communicate in either that or Spanish. After a while the only girl of the group told us she had lived in the US in high school and we asked where and she goes, "Minnesota?" Lucy and Mathias and I unanimously went, "WHAT?!" Hahaha! How hilarious is that! She did her sophomore year at Wyzata because she has some family there. Incredible. It also turns out that she lives about three blocks away from me in Santiago. Sometimes I wonder if the world could get any smaller.

Also, close to the cerro we climbed there is a small airport (I guess that's what one would call it) for gliders. They're this really skinny airplanes with no engine that literally glide around without making any sound. It's a beautiful thing to see in real life. If you haven't seen them before, check some out on youtube (although videos don't really do them justice). Off to school!

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