Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Last Post

Saying goodbye to one of my favorite campus dogs - Cecilia.

Last day of school!

Thanksgiving feast!

Well, it's December 9th, which means I leave in 6 days. My flight leaves at 10:15 PM on Tuesday the 15th. I absolutely can't believe I've been here for 5 months.

Alice and my trip to the South was a lot of fun. We saw a lot of really beautiful nature, lived through some crappy weather (not without sore throats, though), and met some interesting people in the hostels we stayed in along the way. It was fun to be independent. We both thought it was strange to not be traveling with parents and to have to plan our days by ourselves.

These days, as I anticipate my trip home, I have a lot of free time. I fill it with laying by the rooftop pool (that just recently got filled, which might be a good thing because I would never have gone out had it been full earlier in the semester), trying to see friends from school, and doing things in Santiago that I haven't had a chance to yet. On Friday I'm going on my last trip out of the city - to Viña del Mar, a beach town about 2 hours away.

It's a really strange thing to know that my life is going to completely change in a matter of 12 hours between next Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. I guess it did the same thing when I came here, but the difference was that I didn't know what I was headed for. Now, I'm stuck between really looking forward to seeing all of my friends in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and feeling sad because I have no idea when I'm going to see all of my friends here again.

It has truly been an amazing semester. I thought about trying to write some sort of summarizing blog entry that would be really moving and all-encompassing, but it turns out I don't think I'm up to the task. I'm anticipating that most of my conversations will be about this semester for the first couple of months that I'm back in the States, so I'm hoping I can do my experience justice through talking about it rather than trying to write about it and make that perfect. I do know that I'll never get sick of talking about all of the incredible people I've met here or all of the things I've done, so always feel free to ask.

To those of you that I'll be reunited with in the next few weeks, I'm really looking forward to seeing you. And to those of you who I may not see for a while, thank you for thinking my life is interesting enough to read about. Cuídate Chile, suerte en Sudáfrica - nos estamos viendo ;) CHAU!